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The Big Erection

A light-hearted, family friendly spectacle by Circus Purposeless is sure to keep you entertained.
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The Circus Village Festival

This show is a part of The Circus Village FESTIVAL, a 4-day circus festival brought to you by NoFit State Circus and friends at the Recreation Ground in Swansea from 13-16 April.

Find out more

the big erection | circus purposeless  

13 / 14 april

Where outdoor arts and tented circus meet! Join the first performance of this unique experience and be part of everything that happens behind the scenes. Before the show can begin the big top must be erected, the safety of the trapeze tested, and the stage levelled to keep the unicyclist from toppling off. Witness incredible circus acts outside and inside the canvas and feel part of the shows creation. A light-hearted spectacle sure to keep you entertained.

This is a family friendly show - don't worry!


Pay What You Feel (£0, £1, £2.50, £5, £10 per ticket)

Any ticket fee you choose to pay will go towards supporting these artists to develop their shows, that are still at an early stage of development.

As part of our environmental policy, we do not issue paper tickets. Your booking confirmation email is your proof of purchase!

box office

Box Office number: 02921 321 021

Box office hours: 10am - 6pm (closed on Saturdays and Sundays)

If we miss your call please leave a message and we will call you back.


The tent will be located at:

The Circus Village FESTIVAL Site, Swansea Recreation Ground, Mumbles Rd, Brynmill, Swansea, SA2 0AU, Wales

Please click here to get directions using Google Maps.


The Recreation Ground Car Park is directly next to the Festival site.

We will have more details on disabled parking available nearer the time of the event.

Become a supporter

This is your chance to run away with the circus! Your regular support will change lives through our impactful engagement projects and awe inspiring contemporary circus productions.

More info