The Square Mile / Milltir Sgwâr is a partnership of artists and community organisations working in Adamsdown, Splott and Tremorfa. Together, we are co-creating a 14-month cultural programme including workshops, performances, exhibitions and digital work to celebrate our diversity, local community, and to be a platform for the creative voices of people living within our Square Mile, our Milltir Sgwâr. A culturally, ethnically, and linguistically rich community.
Square Mile Partners include:
Adamsdown Councillors: Owen Jones and Grace Ferguson-Thorne; Adamsdown Primary School; Cardiff Community Housing Association (CCHA); Freelance Creatives: A-F Maugran, Francis Maxey and Stacey Blythe; Green Squirrel; Llamau; Local Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs); NoFit State Circus; Oasis; Welsh Refugee Council.
current Square Mile / Milltir Sgwâr activities inlcude:

Programme of Free Summer Fun 2023
23 July – 2 September
We worked in partnership with additional local organisations and freelance artists to deliver a programme of summer fun for our local community. With a range of free holiday activities including circus, dance, parkour, arts and crafts to keep local people and their families busy over the school summer holidays.
Local organisations NoFit State Circus, Green Squirrel, Rubicon Dance, Fluidity Freerun Academy, Oasis and Cardiff Commnunity Housing Association (CCHA) and artists Flow Maugran and Rachel Helena Walsh delivered this exciting programme of activity around the area.
View the Summer Programme
Gwledd Parc Feast 2023
Saturday 2 September, Anderson Fields
In September, The Square Mile partners held a free, family-friendly day of celebration in Anderson Fields. There was live music, performance and activities for everyone to get involved with. There was even a small procession from Clifton Street to Anderson Fields to start the day.
Find out More